If you live in an area of Stonington, Connecticut and your drinking water is supplied by a private well, it is your responsibility to ensure that your water is suitable for its intended purpose, whether for drinking, watering livestock, irrigation etc, This is all accomplished through regular testing.
Your Stonington, drinking water quality is, of course, of the utmost importance to the health and well being of you and your family. Harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites can make you immediately ill upon drinking as they lurk in your water undetected. Chemical contaminants can accumulate in your system causing health problems years down the road.
You should have your water quality tested at least once a year – more often (seasonally) if you get your water from a shallow well or surface water source.
A water potability test package includes:
- Coliform bacteria (including E. coli) – microorganisms that can harm your health
- Nitrate – a contaminant that, at high levels, can be especially dangerous for infants since it interferes with the oxygenation of blood
- Nitrites – a product of the microbiological decay of plant and animal protein and is
commonly used in commercial fertilizers - Color – an excess of this compound can have a laxative effect
- Odor – an essential micro-nutrient that can be dangerous in excess
- pH – is the measure of the acid or alkaline content of the water
- Turbidity – is the presence of suspended materials such as clay, silt, plankton, finely divided organic
material and other inorganic materials - Chloride – Chlorides give water a salty taste. Chloride is commonly found in streams and waste water
- Hardness – the major cause of hardness are calcium and magnesium salts in the water supply
- Sulfates – is a substance that occurs naturally in drinking water. Health concerns regarding sulfate in
drinking water have been raised because of reports that diarrhea may be associated with the
ingestion of water containing high levels of sulfate. - Iron – in high levels can discolor fixtures and laundry and may impart a metallic taste to the water
- Manganese – at high levels may produce a brownish black stain in laundry and on fixtures and
impart an objectionable odor and taste - Sodium – Elevated sodium levels are likely to be seen with the use of a water softener. Other possible
causes are run-off from road salting or sewage contamination. - Total dissolved solids (TDS) – the amount of inorganic substances, such as sodium, sulphate and chloride, that are dissolved in the water, often causing a bad taste
Other tests are available as well. For example, Stonington, Connecticut water sources may be tested for suspected contaminants such as radon, copper, iron bacteria, fluoride, pesticides, selenium, arsenic and uranium, TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbon) etc.
If you need advice about the type of water testing or analysis that’s most appropriate for your Stonington home or business call us today! 888-558-1574.
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